Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swine Flu 1976!!!!!

Unbelievable! I came across this on another person's blog and couldn't believe it! I thought Swine Flu was brand new. Guess there really is nothing new under the sun. I think they may be trying to use this "pandemic" as an excuse to get people "vaccinated" which can be very dangerous, even deadly!


Alan Phipps said...

Yep; I confess I don't know much about the history, but apparently, in '76, Congress wanted to push vaccination on everybody. Ron Paul talks about his experience with it here:!

David Atkins said...

Hi Alan,

Welcome to the blog!

Ron Paul? Are you a fellow Ron Paul supporter?

Thanks for the link!

Alan Phipps said...

Well, I still have questions about Ron Paul, though I'm not 100% opposed to him. But I pointed him out here because of his involvement with the 1976 swine flu situation. :)

David Atkins said...

Don't worry, Alan, you'll eventually come around to thinking like the rest of us "Paulites".
*Evil laugh*

Just kiddin'. Yeah, Ron Paul is cool. Wow, an honest politician in Washington! Who would've thought?

If you'd like to learn more about him, you can visit his site:

Anyways, God bless!

Mike Senseney said...

Hi all,

I remember waiting in line in 1976 for my swine flu shot. I believe they were predicting over 1 million deaths if we didn't receive the shots. The only people who died, to the best of my recollection, were those who received the shot.

And I cannot resist promoting Ron Paul. Here is a link to great articles by him, about him, and video and audio of him:

May we soon stop talking about "democracy" and return to talking about Liberty!!!

God bless all!!!
p.s. btw David, that was a great response to ant over on Hugo's blog regarding his "explanation" of days in the years..."confusing" was a very charitable term that you used to describe his response.