Thursday, August 27, 2009

I have been invited by David to be a regular poster/author on these blogs. With that in mind I've decided to start some dialogue concerning Ellen White's erroneous statements and Biblical contradictions. Ellen White, for those of you who don't know lays claim to the prophetic gift and the SDA church recognizes her as a prophet who spoke on behalf of the Lord. They view her writings as authoritative and on par with Bible despite what they'll tell you. It is one of the 27 fundamental beliefs of the SDA church that you accept Ellen White as a prophet and follow the counsel within her writings. It's also within their baptismal vows that you give assent to her prophetic ability.

It is my aim here to show conclusively that she did not possess the prophetic gift and was in fact a false prophet as out lined by the Bible. She contradicted the Bible on several occasions.

In making this an ongoing discussion I have decided to give one unbiblical or false statement per day so as not to overload you with too much information at once. With that being said, today's contradiction will start from the very beginning of the Bible. You'll notice one constant refrain with her. She contradicts the Bible from the start and doesn't stop until her writings meet a chronological end with her book "The Great Controversy".

Today's contradiction involves her first book from "The Conflict of the Ages" series, Patriarch and Prophets. This contradiction is a unique contradiction in that you will not find it on any other website. Most of my research was done by myself with some help from other sources.

Let's not beat around the bush anymore. Here's her contradiction.

For nearly a thousand years Adam lived among men, a witness to the results of sin. Faithfully he sought to stem the tide of evil. He had been commanded to instruct his posterity in the way of the Lord; and he carefully treasured what God had revealed to him, and repeated it to succeeding generations. To his children and children's children, to the ninth generation, he described man's holy and happy estate in Paradise, and repeated the history of his fall, telling them of the sufferings by which God had taught him the necessity of strict adherence to His law, and explaining to them the merciful provisions for their salvation. Yet there were but few who gave heed to his words. Often he was met with bitter reproaches for the sin that had brought such woe upon his posterity. {PP 82.1}

On surface glance this would appear correct, but notice the bolded part. Did Adam really live until the 9th generation according to the Bible in order to impart this information to them personally as Ellen White stated? Let's check.

First, here are the descendants of Adam in chronological order as listed by the Bible in Genesis chapter 5. The 1st generation obviously starts with Seth(Abel was killed if you remember). Seth had Enosh(2nd generation). Enosh had Kenan(3rd generation). Kenan had Mahalalel(4th generation). Mahalalel had Jared(5th generation). Jared had Enoch(6th generation). Enoch had Methuselah(7th generation). Methuselah had Lamech(8th generation). Lamech finally had Noah(He is the 9th generation).

In order for Ellen White to be correct according to the Bible, Adam would have had to live long enough to see his great, great, great, etc grandson Noah. Did Adam live that long? Well, let's do some math. Adam lived to be 930 years old according to the Bible. He had Seth when he was 130 years old. Starting from there we'll add the years to his life to see if he made it to see his great, great, great, etc. grandson Noah and was able to impart information to the 9th generation personally.

Adam had Seth at 130 years old
Seth had Enosh at 105 years old(that would make Adam 235 years old at this time)
Enosh had Kenan at 90 years old(Adam would be 325 years old by now)
Kenan had Mahalalel at 70 years old(Adam would be 395 years old by now)
Mahalalel had Jared at 65 years old(Adam would be 460 years old at this time)
Jared had Enoch at 162 years old(Adam aged alot here. He was 622 years old at this time)
Enoch had Methuselah at 65 years old(Adam is now 687 years old)
Methuselah had Lamech at 187 years old(Adam is now 874 and would die 56 years from now)

Lamech had Noah at 182 years old(Adam unfortunately DID NOT live to see Noah, the 9th generation. Adam died at the age of 930 years approximately 130 years BEFORE Noah was even born).

Going strictly by the data provided us in the Bible Adam did not live to see the 9th generation and could not have imparted any information to them personally as Ellen White stated. Furthermore, Lamech is not recorded as having any children before Noah. It is only AFTER Noah is born that the Bible mentions other offspring such as daughters being born to him. And it's a fact he didn't have any sons before Noah as bloodlines were generally reckoned by the first born male. So basically Noah was Lamech's first child and Adam did not live to see it nor could he have imparted anything to that 9th generation in person. Ellen White contradicted the Bible here.

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